Fellowship of friends

Andrew Fergusson  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2003
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How to build relationships
By Gordon and Rosemary Jones. Scripture Union. 240 pages. £7.99
ISBN 1 85999 691 4

All my life I have worked in teams. Once I led a hospital resuscitation team, then a primary healthcare team. We were a team at Christian Medical Fellowship, and I now work in several others. At church there are elder, pastoral and strategic teams. Would this book help me in roles like these? Yes, it would.

The authors are a married couple who spent 36 years working with Wycliffe Bible Translators, and now concentrate on teambuilding. Having defined a team as 'a group of people who share common objectives and who need to work together to achieve them', they remind us that Jesus 'chose to use the team approach: he gathered together a team of 12 men and shared his life with them'.

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