Comfortable assumptions?

Peter Ninnis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2003
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(Rediscovering leadership and vision in the church)
By Donald Macleod. Christian Focus. 140 pages. £7.99
ISBN 1 85792 693 5

Two major needs in church life are addressed: biblical, passionate leaders, preachers and preaching earthed in the real world of their hearers is one, and the other is the need for serious effort in biblical church unity. The contents have appeared before in the Monthly Record of the Free Church of Scotland and Evangel, and provide thoughtful questions for those engaged in preaching and teaching, and for those who listen.

The contemporary loss of faith in preaching is highlighted with refreshing candour, and a recovery of conviction in its divine authority is urged. Frequent words of challenge set many a comfortable status quo trembling! Let evangelistic preaching be aggressive, and let it be done in many places as well as a pulpit! Amen! We are, with 'effort, outreach, and invitation', to seek increase in the church. Amen!

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