Brief lives

John Benton  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2003
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Ed. by Timothy Larsen
IVP. 789 pages. £29.99
ISBN 0 85111 996 4

This volume is the latest in a series of extremely valuable dictionaries produced by IVP over recent years. Others have dealt with theological issues, this one deals with Christian biography.

How does it define its scope? The introduction directs us basically to the well-worn definition of 'evangelical' created by David Bebbington (a consulting editor). The four distinguishing features of evangelicals are said to be conversionism, activism, biblicism and crucicentrism (cross-centredness). While helpful this does have weaknesses. Oliver Barclay has pointed out that it nowhere focuses on the person of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. The book's orbit is further limited to people born before 1935, though one of 1936 vintage did get through the net! The third boundary marker is that it generally focuses on evangelicals within the English speaking world, though some like Watchman Nee are included.

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