After Toronto?

Mike Taylor  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2003
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Equipping believers for their revolutionary role in ministry
By Dr. Bill Hamon. Destiny Image Publishers, Shippensburg
ISBN 0 7684 2166 7

As I was reading The Day of the Saints, my reaction was 'Here we go again!' Most will know that the Pentecostal movement had its origins in North America at the beginning of the 20th century.

Within a few years small groups in Canada were teaching that there are at least two classes of Christians: ordinary believers and an elite class destined for a major transformation and known as 'the Manifestation of the Sons of God'. These Sons-to-be expected immortalisation, just as Christ was after his resurrection and before his ascension, ready for a dynamic endtime ministry. They were to bring in God's Kingdom by restoring the earth to its pre-Fall condition and defeating the last enemy, death. There was debate as to whether this even would precede a literal return to earth by Jesus or whether this was itself the event known as 'the Second Coming of Christ'.

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