Hesitation, deviation and ...

Gary Benfold  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2003
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By David L. Larsen
Kregel. 256 pages
ISBN 0 82543 089 5

I really am sorry, Mr. Editor, that I've hesitated so long with this review. You see, in many respects it's a very good book - so good, in fact, that a friend of mine threatened to sue (you!) if I didn't give it a good review. (It's OK; he was joking, I think.) In particular, it's good because it argues for a return to good, old-fashioned regular gospel preaching in our churches. I like that, because I fear it's going out of fashion.

But, you see, there are problems as well. The author is very much in the Billy Graham school; when he mentions those who didn't get involved with the Graham missions, he doesn't make any effort to understand why they didn't. He makes no attempt at all to interact with the theology of those who are critical of 'the appeal'. And sometimes he's confusing; for example, when he deals with the issue of Lordship salvation he seems to be for it and against it on the same page (it's page 92). On balance, I think he's with it, which is obviously good. Sometimes his evident dislike of Calvinism not only makes him critical but wrong; he speaks of 'the Puritan notion that assurance is impossible' (page 96). Well, I don't know which Puritans he's read, but not the same ones as me, obviously.

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