Quirky stuff

David Field  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2003
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An introduction to evangelical ethics
By Michael Hill. Matthias Media. 278 pages. £10.00
ISBN 1 876326 45 X

Over the years conservative evangelical ethicists have produced a number of thoughtful, nuanced and rigorous attempts to describe a coherent and biblical approach to ethics.

Those still worth every penny they cost and a good deal of close attention would include John Murray's 'Principles of Conduct' (1957), David Cook's 'The Moral Maze' (1983), Greg Bahnsen's 'By This Standard' (1985), Oliver O'Donovan's 'Resurrection and Moral Order' (1994), David Clyde Jones's 'Biblical Christian Ethics' (1994) and John Stott's 'New Issues Facing Christians Today' (1999). A worthy recent addition to the list is Dennis Hollinger's 'Choosing the Good' (2002). Other helpful contributions have come from Norman Geisler, Norman Shields, and Stanley Grenz. And, of course, all men and women of sound mind eagerly await the forthcoming publication of John Frame's 'Doctrine of the Christian Life'.

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