A Jew for Jesus

Daphne Ross  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2003
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By Mike Moore
Christian Focus/CWI. 225 pages
ISBN 1 85792 806 7

Many Christians are fascinated by Jews. In this biography of Ernest Lloyd, a Jew, now 90 years old, we have an insight into Jewish mission and the Messianic Jewish movement. Ernest is a giant among Jewish believers, spiritually and physically.

The importance of reading Ernest lies in the understanding it gives into Jewish thinking and evangelism. But be prepared for surprises! This is not a book for those who want speculations about the future of Israel. Neither is it a book for those who think the Jews know their Bible. Nor is it for those who think that Jews will be saved because they are Jews. Ernest is clearly his own man, holding to a biblical position and not swayed by 'the Jews are the best' approach.

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