
Sue Sainsbury  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2003
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By Eric E. Wright
Evangelical Press. 320 pages. £8.00
ISBN 0 85234 525 9

Which gift to society would make the biggest difference to the most people? Eric Wright says it's the giving and receiving of forgiveness.

Half of Revolutionary Forgiveness is a detailed discussion of the 'theory' of forgiveness - including what it is and what it isn't - and the other half deals with practical issues. He deals admirably with all the thorny questions; for example, what about the person who doesn't repent and how do I deal with wounded emotions? Wright clearly shows how forgiveness is not an issue only for those in major or catastrophic situations but is relevant to each Christian life. Jesus calls us to address all unforgiveness which otherwise threatens our relationships and causes alienation and division within and without the church. This is a book which cannot be read 'at arms length'.

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