By Z. Sandar & M. Wyn Davies
Icon Books. £7.99
ISBN 1 84046 383 X
The poet Robert Burns once wrote, 'O wad some power the giftie gi'e us to see ourselves as others see us'. This book raises the question: 'Can America really see itself, or is its global arrogance and isolationism too firmly fixed?'
It is not merely about America's confrontation with Islam or its love affair with Israel (despite its abuses) in the Middle East, rather it explores and catalogues the whole US obsession with power and control, over more than 100 years. For example, it shows that in the name of free trade the US now completely dominates the economic policies and prospects of most of the world, at the same time remaining impervious to outside influence or opinion (which is partly why 9/11 proved to be so shocking to the American public).