Tim Chester  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2003
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By Michael Eaton
Hodder & Stoughton. 460 pages. £9.99
ISBN 0 34078 728 7

When you drive a car you make countless minor adjustments to the steering wheel to keep going straight. Many of these adjustments are imperceptible, but without them you would veer off the road. In the same way, says Michael Eaton, we need constantly to read our Bibles so that we can make the adjustments in thinking and behaviour we need to keep on course.

Know the Bible sets out a two year reading programme that will take you through the entire Bible, interspersing the different genres of the Bible en route. Each reading is followed by questions and sometimes by explanatory notes. The notes often highlight how the structure of the text points to its message - a particular concern of the author. Michael Eaton is a prodigious writer on the Bible and this volume reflects his considerable experience of Bible exposition.

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