The truth behind the encounters
By David Lamb. Zondervan. 181 pages. £7.99
ISBN 0 551 03221 9
The author of this book, a member of Kingdom Faith Ministries, writes from an ultra-charismatic standpoint.
For a number of years he was heavily involved in the occult - spiritism, Rosicrucianism, palmistry, numerology, astrology and 'astral travelling', as he puts it 'to name but a few' (p.114)! He is now actively involved in 'deliverance' ministry, i.e. casting out demons and enlisting the help of the holy angels - both appearing from time to time in numerous anecdotes with which this book is replete. To many people, including this reviewer, these accounts will be seen as ranging from the bizarre to the grotesque. They fall within the ambit of the paranormal.