The centrality of Scripture
By R. Albert Mohler. Banner of Truth Trust. 21 pages. £1.25
ISBN 0 8515 1823 0
With pressure on pastors to be 'successful' there can come a temptation to do what works, rather than what is right. This can lead to the sidelining of Scripture in the pulpit.
This excellent little booklet is the required antidote for such a condition. The author, Dr. Albert Mohler, is the President of the Southern Baptist Convention's Southern Theological Seminary at Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Basing what he has to say on 2 Timothy 4.1-5, he firstly diagnoses the current crisis in preaching and particularly laments the tendency of many evangelical preachers to find the text that suits their own agenda, rather than serving God's word to their congregations.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church members …