Bare facts

Mike Parsons  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2002
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By John Blanchard
Evangelical Press. 268 pages. £6.95
ISBN 0 85234 500 3

This is the latest offering from well-known evangelist, apologist and prolific author, John Blanchard.

In the introduction he says that this is the book he was wanting to write before he got carried away and penned Does God believe in atheists? In this briefer tome he helpfully works through some of the old chestnuts of 'the case against God', including science, evolution, genetics and atheism through to the Bible, the accuracy of the gospels and the person of Jesus Christ. The chapter 'Where was God on September 11th?' I assume to be the same as the booklet of that title which deals with the whole area of evil, suffering and natural disasters. But it's not all just bare facts and argument; each chapter ends with a testimony from a variety of Christians who tell of their journey to faith.

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