By Wale Babatunde
New Wine Press. 160 pages. £6.99
ISBN 1 903725 14 3
The title is obviously meant to bring to mind the cry from Revelation 18 that great Babylon has fallen. This is a book which rightly accuses Britain of its sins and sees our nation as under the judgement of God and heading for disintegration.
The writer is from Nigeria, but now ministers in this country. He has a love for our land, but, as a Christian man from outside, he laments and is rightly angry with the downward spiral into decadence which we see all around us. He lists turning points in our legislation over the last 50 years, including the Obscene Publications Act of 1959, the Abortion Act of 1967, and the Sunday Trading Act of 1994. He takes the leaders of our nation to task including various governments and the Royal Family. 'The separation and all the sexual scandal between the Prince and Princess of Wales, which eventually led to her death, are marks of God's displeasure!' (p.65). The Queen has failed to uphold her coronation oath concerning defending the faith. Britain is being brought down because of its arrogance and pride, especially towards other nations in the Commonwealth. The way the gospel is prospering among many ethnic minorities who have come to Britain while the white British population remains hardened to the gospel, is a sign of God's judgement.
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