Muscular Christianity

Sue Sainsbury  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2002
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By Pamela Evans
The Bible Reading Fellowship. 192 pages. £7.99
ISBN 1 84101 193 2

In her introduction Pamela Evans quotes John Stott saying of Paul: 'During his final imprisonment he wrote expectantly of the second coming of Jesus; but meanwhile he longed for the coming of Timothy.' Then, after acknowledging that 'Christians have at times seen needing one another as a sign of failing their Lord', she goes on to show how integral God-honouring relationships are to the gospel of the New Testament.

The biblical call for all Christians to grow - and grow together - is spoken firmly yet compassionately by someone who has much experience of the often messy reality of a diverse people trying to come together. The tone of the book is at once humble yet exhorting without being 'preachy'. It is very accessible and there is no jargon.

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