I am Sam

David Potter  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2002
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Disability impact

I AM SAM A film by AOL Time Warner

A film without sex, violence, horror and swearing; no wonder it has a 12 certificate. But don't be fooled; this is a very grown-up film. It is designed to make you think - about prejudice, and about prejudice towards people with learning disabilities in particular.

Sam becomes a single parent almost unwittingly and struggles with the challenge of bringing up a daughter when he himself is 'a retard'. Soon social services are on to him and it is obvious to them that this is not good for Lucy. So they take her away and place her with a foster family. This, and Sam's struggle to retain custody, provides the story line.

It is a sensitive and moving film, treading the perimeter of sentimentality without ever falling in. The portrayal of learning disability is outstanding down to the smallest detail, helped by a wonderful performance by four men with learning disabilities. The customary attitudes to people with learning disabilities are shown uncomfortably well. Sam's impact on the lives of other people reflects the way people with learning disabilities 'gentle' those around them.

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