Christians not 'Spiritians'

Mark Lawrence  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2002
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THE SPIRIT COMES (as part of the package)
By John Leach
Marshall Pickering. 217 pages. £6.99
ISBN 0 00 710362 X

The author is the Director of Anglican Renewal Ministries; writing in the introduction he says, 'In spite of all the difficulties I still believe that charismatic renewal, far from being a strange and aberrant heresy, is nothing more nor less than authentic, mainstream New Testament Christianity É In a nutshell, I believe that all Christians should be charismatics, and if they're not they should be!'

Leach writes frankly about his own reluctant path to becoming a 'paid-up head-held-high charismatic, and generally adopts a disarming gentle persuasiveness in the style of his writing, although the tone becomes more strident as the book progresses; he engages the attention of his readers, but at the expense of being rather lightweight in terms of use of Scripture. He seems genuinely convinced - probably in the light of his own stated experience - that evangelicals who would not describe themselves as charismatic are privately rather envious of their charismatic brethren and deep down would like to join them!

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