RT in retrospect

Brian Edwards  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2002
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My 25 years at Westminster Chapel
R.T. Kendall
Hodder and Stoughton
286 pages including index. £15.99 (hb)
ISBN 0 340 78647 7

I write this review as a warm admirer, sad observer, vigorous critic and sincere friend of R.T. Kendall - and this autobiography enhances all of that!

RT traces briefly his upbringing in the Church of the Nazarene in Kentucky in 1935 through his first pastorate at the age of 20, his radical spiritual experience that in a moment transformed both his life and his theology, his arrival at Oxford in pursuit of a doctorate, to his call to the pastorate of Westminster Chapel in the heart of London. From here he describes his close association with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and, following the death of his mentor, the influence on his life and ministry of Arthur Blessitt ('the best decision I made during our 25 years'), Paul Cain ('the most profound influence on me') and Rodney Howard-Browne ('I probably became Rodney's number one apologist'). As he edged closer to the charismatic fold, RT describes, but without bitterness, the opposition he drew from within and outside the Chapel. None who opposed him are mentioned by name, though referred to with affection and respect.

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