The Gospel according to the Simpsons

David Porter  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2002
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By Mark I. Pinsky
Westminster John Knox Press. 166 pages
ISBN 0 664 22419 9

This book has been very well received in America and one can see why: it's very readable and well-argued, and it is a thoughtful study, from an evangelical Christian point of view, of one of the most popular TV programmes in the world-The Simpsons - featuring Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie: America's favourite dysfunctional family.

Theological deconstructions of cartoons are not new: Robert L. Short's The Gospel According to Peanuts (1966) explored theological themes in Charles M. Schulz's popular syndicated comic strip and was followed by The Parables of Peanuts (1969) and The Bible According to Peanuts (1990). Pinsky, a reporter on religion for an Orlando newspaper and contributor to several US Christian magazines, has obviously borrowed his title from Short and readily acknowledges the earlier book (which has sold ten million copies). Short contributes a commendation to the book. The book has received the blessing of Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons, whom Pinsky 'still hopes to meet one day', and a galaxy of distinguished names have also endorsed it.

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