Selections from John Calvin on the Pastoral Epistles
Prepared by Joseph Hill. Evangelical Press. 318 pages. £9.95
ISBN 0 85234 445 7
A number of facsimiles of Calvin's sermons have been produced in recent years, but they are often set in 16th-century English that today's reader finds difficult to comprehend. This selection of Calvin's sermons from 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus has been worked into very readable modern English making the thought of the great man much more accessible.
There can be no doubt that many of the topics covered by Calvin in these sermons are as relevant today as ever. In a pluralistic society we need to be clear about the fact that there is one mediator between God and man, 1 Timothy 2.5,6. Christian workers in all kinds of ministry find the going tough in the present day, and Calvin with great pastoral warmth has much to say on strength for the battle from 2 Timothy 2.1-3. Of course, the authority and reliability of Holy Scripture is as crucial a topic now as ever it was. Here we can read in plain language what Calvin really thought on the subject as he expounds 2 Timothy 3.16,17.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church …