Seated alongside

Paul Lintott  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2001
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By Andrew W. Young
Banner of Truth. 194 pages. £5.95
ISBN 0 85151 798 6

The new series from The Banner of Truth Trust in their own words 'seeks to combine explanation and application. Its concern is to be helpful to ordinary Christians. The aim is exposition of the Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside you with an open Bible.'

Let me say from the outset that a series that puts simple and sound exposition into modern, easy to understand English not only warms my heart but is really welcome. The more people are encouraged to read and understand the Bible properly for themselves the better we equip the church to stand and serve. And I am really encouraged that Banner are taking a concern for modern readers by using the NIV as the basis of the commentary. Andrew Young, who is the Principal of Grace Theological College, Manurewa, Auckland, New Zealand, writes with an easy style and makes the explanation of the passages in 1 and 2 Thessalonians simple to understand and not at all technical: full marks. At this level the book well fulfils the aims of the series.

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