You have been warned!

Graham Heaps  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2001
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Ed. John Colwell
Paternoster Press. 266 pages. £19.99
ISBN 1 84227 063 X

Why, oh why, do editors and publishers continue to think that it is a good idea to publish books of articles on a single theme, written from all kinds of perspectives and theological positions? This reviewer has never read one that he could recommend. And this volume of addresses on the theme of immortality and the last things is sadly no exception!

The subject of the book made me eager to read it, for surely one of the saddest differences between the New Testament church and evangelicalism today is our lack of preoccupation with the return of our Lord and the glory that will follow. Yet, although there are some gems within this collection of 'perspectives on life to come', many of the offerings are either boring and forgettable, or scholastic and incomprehensible, or laced with the poison of liberalism.

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