Pearl Harbor

Scribbler  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2001
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A pearl of great price?


This latest Hollywood summer blockbuster from Twentieth Century Fox gives us history with a tinsel-town makeover.

I broke my own rule in going to see this film. If a movie is advertised on TV, usually with shots of people saying how great it is, it's a sure sign that it is not worth seeing. Sad to say my rule proved to be right.

The film is built around a truly stunning 45-minute centre section which uses all the latest technology to recreate the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japanese warplanes which brought the USA into the Second World War. This section of the film at least is gripping, startling and shocking to watch. Saving Private Ryan brought an edge of reality to war films in the way it portrays combat-which this film follows.

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