The curate's egg

David Field  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2001
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Eds. T.D. Alexander, Brian S. Rosner
IVP. xx + 866 pages. £29.99
ISBN 0 85111 976 X

Have you heard the story of salvation presented by means of a study of 'sweat' or 'hospitality' or 'the Beast and the Man' or 'war and peace' or 'marriage' or 'mountains' in the Bible ? If not, then please ask your pastor 'Why?' since these are themes and categories which God himself has used in history and in Scripture to unfold and explain his great work of redemption.

Biblical theology is the discipline which takes that unfolding revelation on its own terms and in its own words and themes and proceeds to study God's truth by means of storylines and multiple perspectives. There are no definitions of biblical theology which do not make it sound either esoteric or dull but biblical theology at its best - combined with exegetical carefulness and systematic rigour - is a truly exhilarating way into the Bible.

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