So valuable

Graham Hind  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2001
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By Stuart Olyott
Evangelical Press. 175 pages. £7.95
ISBN 0 85234 431 7

This book was first published in 1984 under the title Son of Mary, Son of God and now appears under this new title with a Foreword by David Wells of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

There are no real changes to the text although the author has made minor corrections and changes for this new edition. The nine chapters are equally divided between three major sections: 'The Lord'-his deity, 'Jesus'- his humanity and 'Christ' - his unipersonality. In his usual clear and methodical style Stuart Olyott takes the reader through these vital facets of the person of Christ, always pointing to the testimony of Scripture in support of the orthodox Christian view. This is a book that is thorough and thought-provoking, but would be easily read by most people.

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