Draw near to Christ

Gerard Hemmings  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2001
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Daily Prayer and Praise
By Henry Law
Banner of Truth. 368 pages. £3.95
ISBN 0 85151 787 0

God's people love the Psalms. They reveal the Lord in all his beauty, majesty, power and love; they give to us the language of praise and devotion; they give expression to every emotion of the soul.

They bring us to God and to communion with Christ. How thankful we are, then, for Henry Law's volume. The first 75 psalms have been divided into easily digestible daily portions for personal or family readings. Henry Law was not into 'cool communication'. This is a blessing. His short, pithy sentences are full of light, help, comfort and refreshment. They are not to be rushed. Indeed, the ornate language at times demands a double take and, if children are present, some explanation. However, it's worth stopping, thinking and dwelling upon the weight of his words.

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