One Step At a Time
Julie Sheldon
Hodder & Stoughton.164 pages. £5.99
ISBN 0 340 74623 8
One Step At a Time is the sequel to the author's bestselling first book Dancer Off Her Feet which chronicled her own fight against the crippling neurological disease dystonia. In her second book, she describes her family's turmoil as her ten year-old daughter is diagnosed with, and treated for, cancer and then M.E.
This book would be particularly helpful to anyone struggling with chronic illness, either as a sufferer or as a carer. It graphically describes the highs and lows, both physical and spiritual, of an existence governed by constant hospital visits and the absence of any normal daily routine. As the author struggles with the pain of watching not only her daughter suffer, but the toll on the rest of her family, her faith in God is severely tested.