The kingdom of God

Peter Misselbrook  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2001
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Living by God's Master Plan
By Michael Lawson
Christian Focus. 271 pages
ISBN 1 85792 541 6

This work was originally published by Kingsway under the title The Unfolding Kingdom. Something of that original title is preserved in its present subtitle, 'The Reality of the Kingdom of God from Eden to Revelation'.

The book is a series of studies on the theme of the Kingdom of God. This theme is traced through creation and covenants in the Old Testament, showing how they point forward to Christ. Several chapters consider Jesus's teaching on the Kingdom of God, particularly through the parables. The closing chapters deal with what it means for Christians to live now as 'Kingdom people', while looking forward to Christ's return and the arrival of the Kingdom in all its fullness.

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