Fascinating fallacies

John Samuel  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2001
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Six Modern Myths: challenging Christian faith
By Philip J. Sampson
IVP. £8.99
ISBN 0 85111 659 0

Myths are old, untrue stories. But we have modern myths, garbed in the language of history or science, which are not very old but are quite untrue. Yet, for all our modern sophistication, we are likely to pass on even scientific truth via stories, not formulae, for example, gravity via the story of Newton's apple, which probably never happened!

Sampson takes six modern stories and shows that, despite their claims to be based on fact, they 'pass on powerful modern myths and distort history and truth in the process' (p. 159). The stories are about: Galileo, the hero of science against a hostile church; Darwinism - the truth about our origins; environment - the Bible is the root of global exploitation; missionaries - a story of oppression; the human body - a story of repression, and witches - a story of the subjugation of women.

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