By Mark Connor
Sovereign World. 191 pages
ISBN 1 85240 272 5
If we think of local churches as boats sailing in the ocean of contemporary society and culture, then it may be that without changing our message, we sometimes need to change tack, changing ourselves and our methods to adapt to the different cross-currents and storms the world throws at us.
The contents of this book centre around 'seven strategic shifts to help you successfully navigate the 21st century'. As with most books from Sovereign World it comes from an Arminian, charismatic and cell church set of convictions. But if you can avoid the dangerous rocks, there is quite a lot of stimulating and biblical direction which will help a discerning church leader to chart a good course in these days.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church members …