TIME TO CELEBRATE: hymns and songs for a new millennium
By Emma Turl
73 texts. ISBN 0 9514915 1 2
£3.00 post-free from 1 Forest Side, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 3QZ
This delightful collection has two special features; since many of the items have new tunes available but not printed here, they may be obtained on CD or cassette. But the words must be worthy in themselves, so this review does not take account of music beyond saying that 35 tunes are by Gill Berry and 30 by John Turl. Second, proceeds from the book benefit Wycliffe Bible Translators' work in Northern Ghana, located by a map on the back cover.
But these texts should also help to put Emma Turl on the map. Her name has already appeared in EN's song slot, and comes nine times in the newly-published 'Praise!', but only one text (the Millennium hymn first published in EN) is reprinted here. Each book should whet the appetite for the other - not to mention a fuller collection one day, since she has written far more. Most of her ' Praise!' texts are Psalm versions, and Psalm 110 is a minor triumph where many have failed.