Fred Catherwood  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2000
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By David Holloway
HarperCollins. 257 pages. £16.99
ISBN 0 00 274059 1

I found it hard to put down this riveting book. Here is the pugnacious little boy announcing loudly that the Emperor has no clothes. Secularism, evolution, humanism, relativism, abortion, gay rights, liberal clergy in general and bishops in particular, are all stripped bare. Europe escapes with a caution.

We want to say: 'Hush, hush, they're wrong of course, but there is no point in stirring them up.' Yet, as we read on, our consciences are stirred. We remember our Lord's hard words about the religious and political establishment of his day and wonder why we put up with this outrageous social experiment which is breaking half today's marriages, and leaving people with nothing to live for but money.

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