Christianity in a Changing World - Biblical Insight on Contemporary Issues

David Field  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2000
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CHRISTIANITY IN A CHANGING WORLD: biblical insight on contemporary issues
By Michael Schluter and the Cambridge Papers Group
Marshall Pickering. 348 pages. £9.99
ISBN 0 551 03241 3

Should Britain join the single European currency? If you had ?3000 to invest what would you do with it? Should blasphemy be a criminal offence in a secular state? Isn't it time that the Church of England was disestablished? How do we explain the rise and fall of nations? What are we trying to achieve with our prison system?

You can hear these and similar questions being discussed by the panellists on Question Time and by guests on the Today programme. From time to time you can even hear them being argued about in the Student Union. But it is fairly unlikely that they will receive more than a passing mention in the teaching ministry of your church. Why? Are they unimportant? Does the Bible have nothing to say about them?

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