Men and Women, Created or Constructed - the Great Gender Debate

John Marsh  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2000
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By Elaine Storkey
Paternoster Press. 129 pages
ISBN 0 85364 983 9

In what ways are women and men different?

This question is on the back cover of this book and sets out the theme well. I like to know where a book is going. Scientific journals often give a synopsis at the beginning for this purpose. Here the aim is on the back cover and in the final chapter. It was a help to me when I realised this.

The theme of the book is the old clash between nature and nurture in a new guise. In the past when the sociologists argued as to whether the Houlighans were antisocial because of their inheritance or whether it was because of their upbringing in the East End (or New York according to which source you read), then the nature was agreed to be God-given vitiated by the Fall and the nurture was social deprivation.

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