Learning About Meningitis - Stephen's Story

Christine Gobbett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2000
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Learning about Meningitis: Stephen's story
By Jenny Wilson
IVP. 92 pages
ISBN 1 85792 572 6

This is not a medical book, although an appendix at the end does give a description of the symptoms of bacterial meningitis, and the alarming statistics of mortality connected with it. Rather, it is the moving and graphic account of the author's unfolding experience when her eight week old son Stephen contracts the illness.

Jenny Wilson takes the reader with her on a roller coaster of emotion, recording on the way, 'a growing closeness and dependence on God' (p.81). Between each chapter she has included her own poem, like a psalm, expressing with meticulous honesty her innermost feelings, but finally, manifesting her total reliance on the arm of the divine sovereignty.

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