Into the Book

Derek Prime  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2000
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By Michael Green
Hodder and Stoughton. 104 pages. £4.99
ISBN 0 340 74540 1

As the title suggests, this book is for those coming to the Bible for the first time. It introduces it as the world's best-seller and answers basic questions.

As always with Michael Green, the approach, language and illustrations are clear and contemporary. The book itself is a small handy size, with good-sized print. I can imagine it whetting the appetite of most readers to read and know the Bible better. There is a helpful chapter on reading the Bible with a friend and belonging to a Bible study group. The final chapter is 'Can I trust the Bible?'. This helpfully emphasises the clear teaching our Lord Jesus Christ gave about the Bible's inspiration and authority.

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