She Said Yes - The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall

Sara Carson  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2000
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SHE SAID YES: the unlikely martyrdom of Cassie Bernall
By Misty Bernall
Plough Publishing. 140 pages. £7.99
ISBN 0 87486 987 0

Since April 20 1999, Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, has become notorious as the site of the shooting of 13 students by two of their classmates. But from this tragedy a story has emerged which is surprising and challenging people all over the world.

Cassie Bernall was one of those killed in the school's main library, where a boy called Josh, who was crouching under a desk near Cassie, heard what the killers asked her before she was shot. He later recounted this to Cassie's family: 'I couldn't see anything when those guys came up to Cassie, but I could recognise her voice. I could hear everything like it was right next to me. One of them asked her if she believed in God, She paused, like she didn't know what she was going to answer, and then she said yes. She must have been scared, but her voice didn't sound shaky. It was strong. Then they asked her why, though they didn't give her a chance to respond. They just blew her away.'

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