By Kevin Conner
Sovereign World International. 64 pages
ISBN 1 85240 261 X
Wouldn't you expect a book that sets out to prove that 'the Scriptures teach that the baptism of (in or with) the Holy Spirit is a distinct, supernatural experience subsequent to, and different from, the new birth' to list the Scriptures that mention that baptism and carefully consider them? There are only seven of them; it is not a major task. But this book does not.
Even worse, it makes only one reference to what many would consider the key verse (1 Corinthians 12.13), and even then references it as if it says the exact opposite of what it does say: 'There is an experience scripturally known as the baptism of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12.13; Hebrews 6.3)' (p.49). Hebrews 6.3, in full, reads: 'And God permitting, we will do so.' I'm not convinced that this verse offers conclusive proof!