Bill James  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 1999
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By Robert L. Reymond
Nelson. 1,210 pages + xxxvi hc
ISBN 0 8499 1317 9

It is good to welcome a new and substantial reformed systematic theology. Dr. Reymond has been teaching Systematic Theology for over 20 years, and this book is essentially his classroom lectures in written form.

There are a number of distinctive and helpful features in this work. Reymond is conscious of our heritage of Christian theology, and makes frequent reference to the great creeds and confessions. For example, on the doctrine of Christ, he devotes 40 pages to a survey of the Christological debates of the early church, and another 25 to 'The Trinity in the Creeds'. However, he is also at pains to develop his arguments along biblical lines, so there are around 75 pages dealing with the New Testament's teaching of Christ's deity with exegesis of relevant texts and consideration of the emphases of the various Gospels and letters.

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