Out of this world

Ray Evans  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 1999
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By Derek Prime
Day One Publications. 152 pages. £6.99
ISBN 0 902548 90 5

I confess to a bias when it comes to Derek Prime! Ever since I was converted through reading one of his books, I have had a 'soft spot' for the way he so helpfully explains the truths of the Bible.

In this book, Derek seeks to show just how significant the neglected teaching of the Ascension and reign of the Lord Jesus is for our personal and corporate Christian lives. He particularly wants to underline the message that if we sideline the series of interconnected truths related to the Ascension, we will lose our confidence, our joy will wither, and we'll fail to 'possess our possessions' in Christ. But if we give it the emphasis the Bible does, and are armed with an informed faith in the ascended Lord, there will be among us, God's people, once again 'the shout of a King' (Numbers 23.21, 1 Corinthians 14.25).

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