A Faint Streak of Humility - An Autobiography

Gordon Bridger  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 1999
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An autobiography
By Michael Saward
Paternoster Press. 468 pages. £9.99
ISBN 0 85364 965 0

Reading Michael Saward's autobiography was an enjoyable, if not a comfortable, experience.

It was enjoyable because Michael is a friend, and writes extremely well. He tells the story of his early childhood in London, in the Blitz in the Second World War. He writes of his schooldays and his conversion to Christ as a teenager. He tells vividly of his experience in National Service, and his work in an office in London. Then he writes of his call to ordained ministry, his training at Tyndale Hall, Bristol, and his subsequent marriage to Jackie, followed by ordination and ministry as an evangelical in the Church of England, leading to his present position as a canon at St. Paul's Cathedral.

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