Who Am I? Discovering Your Identity in Christ

Mary Davis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 1999
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Discovering your identity in Christ
By Mary Pytches. Hodder & Stoughton. 167 pages. £6.99
ISBN 0 340 72234 7

This book is written to help Christians who have a negative self-image - those who 'when they look at themselves . . . do not like what they see' (p.2-3).

The author recognises that failure to realise who we are in Christ hinders our spiritual growth. In the language of anecdote and popular psychology, Mary Pytches considers how identity is constructed by describing the 'building blocks' of identity: attachments (who we know), culture, experience, performance and appearance. She refers to Gideon as a Biblical example of someone with a poor self-image and cites stories of people she has met during her ministry. And in each chapter, she suggests questions for personal reflection.

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