By Dick Dowsett
OMF. 134 pages. £5.99
ISBN 0 85078 284 9
This is a republication of an uncompromising, no-holds-barred book on the unpalatable subject of hell. And yet, written by a die-hard missionary, it is also a stirring call to consider our responsibility in the light of that terrifying truth.
Dick Dowsett did not find it easy to write this book, and Martin Goldsmith commends OMF for having the courage to publish it in these politically-correct days, and you, the reader, will need both strength and courage to cope with the spiritual demands that this must-read book will make upon your soul. In this day, when there is a 'widespread running away from the fact of hell . . . even in evangelical circles', and when 'hell is seldom, if ever, mentioned in the majority of pulpits in our land . . . and that includes evangelical ones!' this is a must-read book. Why? Because it deals with the truth of hell in a robust way and with our duty in a compelling way.