David Burke  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 1999
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By Nicky Gumbel
HTB Publications. 141 pages. £2.50
ISBN 1 898838 80 1

Why hasn't anyone thought of doing this before? A book of daily Bible readings aimed at people who are not-yet-Christians, but who are actively seeking to find the Lord. 30 days is primarily designed as an Alpha resource, to encourage those who have started the Alpha course to begin reading the Bible for themselves. But this book will have much wider impact than this, once word gets out and people discover how good it is!

As the title suggests, one month's worth of Bible readings are given. The passages are chosen to deal with issues: 'Is Christianity a crutch?', 'What is faith?' and 'What happens when we die?' are typical examples. Each chapter begins with the Bible passage to be read followed by a short exposition of it by Nicky Gumbel. An enquirer will finish the book with a good idea of the different styles of literature to be encountered in the Bible, as well as having some of life's most momentous issues addressed directly from a Bible passage. To cap it off, it is nicely designed and a delight to handle, a beautiful production at a bargain price.

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