The Divine Conspiracy

Mr Steven Gunderson  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 1999
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By Dallas Willard
Fount (Harper Collins). 468 pages. £8.99
ISBN 000 6281141

This is a book about discipleship. It is not a book to read after supper, sitting before a warm fire.

It requires a lot of thinking and study, for several reasons. First, because as Willard says in the introduction: 'Very few people today find Jesus interesting as a person or of vital relevance to the course of their actual lives.' (p.1). This, he says, includes Christians as well, which is revealed in 'the practical irrelevance of actual obedience to Christ' (p.3) in our churches. Second, this book seeks objective ways to remedy this, using for the most part the Sermon on the Mount (preachers will find his exposition generally helpful, mixed with occasional strange interpretations - see his 'Of pearls and pigs' on p.251-252). Chapter 5, 'The Rightness of the Kingdom Heart', contains some excellent thoughts on the subjects of anger, condemnation and lust.

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