Van Til's Apologetic, Readings and Analysis

Oliver Crisp  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 1999
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By Greg L. Bahnsen
Presbyterian and Reformed. 733 pages. (Available through Evangelical Press)
ISBN 0 87552 098 7

The size of this book may make it a little off-putting to the average reader (if such a mythical animal actually exists). It comprises one half of a two-part legacy left to the committee that oversees the literary estate of Van Til. Their task was to (a) produce a bibliography of his written corpus, and (b) to produce a 'reader' of substance covering the major topics of Van Til's apologetics.

The first of these tasks has been carried out, the second is the fruit of the present volume. Unfortunately, the author, Greg Bahnsen, died shortly after completing this book, which stands as a testimony to his tenacity, devotion and care as an exegete of Van Til's thinking. And this is largely a work of devotion. Not in the sense that it is a devotional book; the title alone should put paid to any false pretences on that score. Rather, it is devotional in the sense that Bahnsen has conceived his task as the faithful systematiser of the work of his mentor.

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