By Nick Page
HarperCollins. 155 pages. £9.99
ISBN 0 00 274022 2
The Scroll is a large selection of stories from the Bible written and presented in the style and format of a tabloid newspaper. The idea is to make the Bible accessible to ordinary people and to encourage them to dip into it for themselves. And Nick Page has done a good job. It's well written, amusing (at times, very amusing), and far from trivialising the message of the Bible, actually offers some valuable insights. Good stuff.
You can dip into it, say, over coffee or in an idle moment (when did you last have one of those?), and I found that having read one part made me want to read further.
Could we abandon church notices?
How are your notices? Highlight of the service, or a necessity that is dull as ditch-water?For most of us, …