Get Up and Give - 101 little ways to make a big difference

Sara Carson  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 1998
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Get Up and Give: 101 little ways to make a big difference
By Steve Chalke and Sir Cliff Richard
HarperCollins. 137 pages. £6.99 . (All profits go to Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, Tear Fund and Oasis Trust)
ISBN 0 00 274015 X

How many of us think that our responsibility to support charities is fulfilled by an occasional 10p in a collecting tin outside the supermarket? In this book, the authors aim to show that this means of giving is both unfulfilling for the giver and an unreliable source of income for the charities concerned.

Instead, they suggest that a long-term commitment and personal involvement with a specific charity is much more beneficial for everyone - the charity know that they can rely on your regular financial support and the giver can see the difference their help is making to the lives of people in need.

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