Canterbury Letters to the Future

Alec Motyer  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 1998
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By George Carey
Kingsway. 238 pages.
ISBN 0 85476 773 8

We look at our grandchildren with deep, deep love and, foreseeing them on the threshold of adult years, ask what we would like to give them for their Christian understanding and direction of life.

This is the question the Archbishop has set out to answer for his six grandsons and one granddaughter. He writes them 10 letters covering all the major Christian doctrines: thinking about God, Creator, Father, Holy One; the importance of Jesus, Jesus in the Gospels, his resurrection, the Cross, the Holy Spirit, and eschatology. Each letter is given a 'catchier' title than this bare statement of topics, but throughout, the catchiness stands in contrast to a serious style of writing that makes few concessions to the reader.

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