Stepping Through My Nightmares

Mary Davis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 1998
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By Sheila Barlow with David Waite
Hodder & Stoughton. 214 pages. £5.99
ISBN 0 340 69456 4

The 'nightmares' refer to the ordeals suffered by Sheila Barlow and her family. Living in Kuwait, they found themselves caught up in the Gulf War, ultimately becoming hostages in Saddam Hussein's 'human shield'.

Later, Sheila also experienced serious post-traumatic stress disorder. This biographical account is peppered with details of her spiritual journey. Christianity played a minor role in her childhood and early married life but, towards the end of the book, she became a committed Christian. The family's experiences are dramatic and often moving, and it is an exciting read.

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